The bold service has surpassed 200,000 users less than two years after its launch. Emov has also reached other benchmarks including 17 million km traveled by its users and saving 1,690 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).
MADRID. April 20, 2021 Madrid’s investment in technology and demand for a more clean and sustainable city has led it to become a major hub for global mobility and a role model for other capitals on an international level. Earlier this month, the city announced its new ‘Madrid Central’ policy, effectively banning all conventional cars from driving in the city center. We expect to see carsharing and shared mobility operators receive an increase in registrations when the new legislation goes into effect.
Vulog joins forces with OEMs, car rental companies, start-ups, insurance providers, and more to power leading carsharing and scootersharing services worldwide. We believe in a smart and green future, a future with fewer vehicles, a future with low pollution cars, a future where shared mobility is the norm. Our mobility platform – and the operators that utilize it – are directly contributing to the improvement in the quality of the air we breathe and decreased congestion on city streets.
Vulog is the world’s leading tech mobility provider: we are committed to building a greener future, one city at a time.