Tech Talks with Vulog Tech Experts: Meet Justyna

Learn about the dedicated people that work behind the scenes at Vulog.




Nice, France


Technology, Shared Mobility


Vulog’s Tech Talks gives you exclusive insights into what drives our tech and mobility experts at the world’s leading shared mobility tech provider.

NICE. February 1, 2022 Welcome to our “Tech Talks with Vulog’s Tech Experts” interview series! Here we delve into the personal insights of our very own Tech Experts, where they talk about their journeys working in the tech and mobility industry. Are you ready to get inspired?

Introducing our Tech Expert

Introducing Justyna Bucko, Front-End Developer at Vulog, who is essentially the person behind the appearance, behavior, and content of everything that appears on your screen when you open the web. Front-End Developers are crucial for ensuring users can easily navigate a website or app. Not only do they need to have creative technical skills, but they also need to be well attuned to people’s needs – they need to be on the ball with knowing what users want when interacting with the website or app. So let’s get to know Justyna to find out how she perfectly balances being creative yet still strategic as a true programming queen!

Where did you study?

J: I completed my Bachelor’s this past June at the University of Westminster in London, the United Kingdom, where I studied Software Engineering. It was a period of intense study but also an incredible journey. A little fun fact about me is that, during this time, I used to also work as a chef!

Even though I was only in the early stages of programming before joining the program at the University of Westminster,  I was excited to challenge myself and learn more about this field of study. Eventually, I graduated with a first-class award. I was also recognized as one of the best female software Engineering graduates funded by Concentrix Tigerspike, for which I am very thankful.

What drew you to work in the tech industry?

J: What drew me into the tech industry is how it is constantly evolving. I have always been open to learning new things, so I feel I am working in the right place for that. Many intelligent and innovative people create tech companies, and even though they might have similar educational backgrounds, each one of them has a unique approach to finding solutions, as well as different perspectives.

Another aspect is that the tech industry is very flexible and continuously adapts. Having the right skills opens many opportunities, such as working from anywhere in the world and working on various projects. I also really enjoy Front-End as it’s very visual – it aligns with my passion for art and creating something from scratch. I love to work and see the immediate results and changes of what I am doing; this makes my work truly enjoyable.

What inspired you to work at Vulog?

J: I love the concept and the idea of shared mobility. What’s more-

In an age where going green is the utmost priority, especially when it comes to traveling, shared mobility is becoming the most accessible for everyone. I am incredibly proud to be part of a company with such a purpose.

Justyna Bucko

Front-End Developer, Vulog

What makes my job even more satisfying is that I work towards a greater societal change. I believe in the concept of making an impact on one city at a time. Seeing how Vulog has evolved as a company affirms it has the power to make a big difference.

What is your favorite project that you have worked on at Vulog? Or a project that you are particularly proud of?

J: I am currently working in FMT (Fleet Management Tools), which is very exciting to be a part of. The FMT is a set of features spread among different components (Back-End, Front-End, and Mobile) where our purpose is to support our customers in their fleet management activities.

The fleet management activities can be described as all the actions that need to be done to deliver a full service to the end-user from cleaning activities, refueling, recharging, or any other maintenance activity that an agent must do.

These features are available in the Back Office (BO) and the Fleet Admin App. The Fleet Admin App is the tool used by the agents to perform their job, tracking their activities via tickets. The operator uses the BO features to assign access to the agents or intervene in troubleshooting such as resetting a GPS or disabling a vehicle, for example. I have also been working on Vulog’s documentation website template, where I have added a new design for the pages where release notes and other articles are being published to make it more engaging for the reader. Every day is certainly never the same and that’s something I love about my job!

What is your strategy when it comes to making the app easy-to-use and intuitive for users?

J: My strategy is to divide the implementation process into small parts and focus on each one in detail. Another thing is to put yourself in the user’s position and think about what they need. It is also essential to understand what they do not need – finding the right balance when you are a Front-End Developer is the key to success. It’s tempting to make all these complex and over-the-top changes within the app, but the users don’t actually need this. These changes often make the user-interface cluttered and the experience not user-friendly at all. Of course, this is the opposite of what we want! So my strategy is always to favor a simple, clean, yet sophisticated solution.

Where do you see mobility technology heading in the future?

J: I believe electric vehicles truly represent the mobility of the future. They are certainly the most eco-friendly option. The great news is batteries are becoming more affordable and efficient with more autonomy. Most importantly, shared mobility services can help in reducing traffic and reducing emissions.

Congestion has also significantly impacted the environment and human health and safety. Therefore, the transition to integrated mobility will help reduce health problems, such as respiratory diseases, heart attacks, and premature births aggravated by local air pollution.

In addition to this, it is estimated that 40% of city center traffic is due to people frantically trying to find somewhere to park. By sharing a car, rather than each person using their own, this can help reduce the need for parking, thereby freeing up space for bikes or green areas in the future.

The Tech Industry is Moving: is now your time to dive in?

After hearing Justyna’s tech insights, are you interested in learning more about our roles at Vulog? Look no further: check out our Careers page! We are always looking for new innovative thinkers to join our team, whether in France, Germany, or Canada! Vulog is built by an international team hailing from dozens of countries, and that’s a big part of what makes us so unique. And we value diversity because it drives innovation, enriches our own company culture, and helps our business grow!

We love what we do at Vulog and strive to create a great working environment so that, together, we can change the world, one vehicle, and city at a time. Do you want to be a part of the shared mobility revolution?

Vulog is the world’s leading tech mobility provider: we are committed to building a greener future, one city at a time.

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