
How to Leverage Your CRM Integration

More users, more trips, less overdues thanks to Vulog's platform integration capacity with CRM tools




Lyon, France


Carsharing, Shared mobility, Digital rental, Instant Access, Free-Floating


Whether you are using Salesforce, Hubspot, Zoho, or any other solution, CRM tools seamlessly integrate with Vulog’s platform, enabling automated customer communications (e-mails, sms, in-app notifications) based on defined scenarios to reach your business goals. Here are the most impactful examples that Marie, Leo&Go’s marketing manager, has set-up to convert users, boost their activity and follow up on overdue payments:

– Incomplete users: a series of notifications prompting newly signed-up users with pending documents to finish their registration. The results? +20% completed registrations!

– Hibernating users: incentivizations for active users who haven’t taken any trips in a given period to use the service again.

– Overdue payments: an email and text message sent within 6 hours of the trip being taken enables the team to collect the payment in a majority of cases, thereby saving them valuable time. Users are automatically re-emailed after 7 days if the invoice is still not paid.

– Loyalty: credits rewarded to the most active users, allowing Marie to identify brand ambassadors.

– Birthdays: a promo-code to celebrate each user’s special day. Those scenarios are Marie’s favorites, but we’d love to hear from you!

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